Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Deep Sea Fishing

Yesterday Carlos and our neighbors Bob and Bill went on a deep sea fishing adventure.  They started their venture heading out from Akumal, a beautiful little town just a few minutes away from here.  Now as the story was told to me there was no action for the most part of the trip, just a few little bites here and there.  Not too much fun and adventure for a deep sea fishing trip.

Then right when it looked like they were going to go home empty handed our friend and neighbor Bob got a huge bite.  As it took a huge leap out of the water they saw it was a Sail Fish or in Spanish, Pez Vela.  Unfortunately these beautiful fish are protected and the only thing you´ll get out of them is a great fight and a sweat, there will be no dinner.

As Bob tried to wheel in this monsterous fish the rest of the men were instructed to wheel in all lines to avoid any lines getting tangled.  As Carlos wheeled in his line as quick as he could he suddenly got a huge bite on his end.  Since Bob´s catch was a catch and release fish they were hoping that Carlos had gotten a fish that they could actually take with them and not go home empty handed.

The more that Carlos fought with this fish the more everyone thought they were in luck and that he had probably caught a tuna or mahi.  This was due to the fact that his fish did not jump like Bob´s did and normally if it had been a Sail Fish the minute it had gotten hooked on it would have jump out of the air in complete madness.

So what was it that my dear husband caught you ask!?!?  Drum roll please........a.......SAIL FISH!!!   Yes, another Sail Fish.  So at the end of the day the men came back home with nothing but a good fishing story and no dinner.  That´s okay right?!?!  At least they had fun!  Who am I kidding...I wanted some fresh fish, possibly some fresh sashimi tuna.

Well, there´s always next time!!

Here´s some pictures from their deep sea fishing adventure!

Bringing the catch aboard.

Carlos and his Sail Fish.

Bob and Carlos´s Sail Fish.  Unfortunately right at the last minute as they were going to pull Bob´s catch on board his line broke.  Carlos said that Bob´s Sail Fish was much bigger than his.